One thing I am definitely going to miss from our home is the stair case. I fought hard to get exactly what I wanted in my staircase, from the panelling on the walls, to the exact stain on the timber treads, which is Porters Paint – Palm Beach Black if you wanted to know.

Excuse the picture, It’s an old IG one, but I currently have about 30 boxes piled high in front of the stairs and I couldn’t find the energy or motivation to move them for a photo. Packing is hard work!
The staircase at our new home is not exactly my dream staircase, but I think it has potential after I tweak it a little bit.

Here’s my plan of attack –
1. Change out the balustrading. I’m not loving the wavy iron look. I am not a fan of glass, it is a little too modern for me and with 3 kids and dog, I would be cleaning it constantly. I don’t mind iron, just not this design. But I will probably go for something classic like a square timber post, with a big chunky newel post at the bottom. Pretty much what I have now.
2. Sand back the treads and risers, re-stain the treads in a dark, rich colour, probably Palm Beach Black again. and paint the risers gloss white. Again – pretty much what I have now.
3. Create a point of interest on the walls. I don’t think I will do the panelling again, as much as I love it I’d like to do something different. As the wall is curved it is not ideal to hang art or do a fabulous gallery wall. I have an idea in my head for something very simple, but hopefully quite effective, stay tuned!
What is your dream staircase? Here’s a few I found on Pinterest that have me drooling …

I love the striped runner, it makes quite a statement paired back with the spotty carpet. And I do love the contrast between the white balustrade and black handrail.

I wish I was confident enough to do this. I have seen some similar stairs with gorgeous tiles, but this one is done with wallpaper. Wallpaper would be easier to change than tiles, but I still don’t think I am brave enough. Are you?

How about these ombre stairs, It’s only paint … easy enough to change … right? This is so fun!
What do you think? Do you have any advice for me? I’d love to hear it!
Hayley x
PS. It seems that cute dogs are the most fashionable accessory when styling your staircase for a photoshoot, Ha!
Hi Hayley, I can just see your gorgeous round entrance table with some beautiful blue and white ceramics in the curved void below the stairs! x
Yes Belinda, my thoughts exactly! I hope it fits, I may need one slightly smaller, but definitely a round table in that void, perfect. Hx