Another month, another #7vignettes challenge.
‘7 Vignettes’ is the creation of Jen from The Interiors Addict. Starting on the first day of the month, and running for 7 days, with daily photo themes or words, you post a picture and use the hashtag #7vignettes. It is a friendly, supportive and encouraging community. I have met new people, followed new people and gained new followers. I highly recommend you have a go, I’m already looking forward to May.
I found this months words quite difficult. I only give myself 15 minutes per day to get the shot, I don’t think is long enough and I will make more time to think about it, plan it and take the photo next month.
I like to challenge myself, and although not everything went to plan, I did learn something new this month. I was depending on the beautiful morning sunshine streaming into my house for the Day 3 theme of #light, it rained for days and I missed out on my glowing sunlight. I had to quickly improvise and use candle #light instead. Probably my least favourite photo so far.
Here’s my April efforts.
And here are some of my favourite round-ups from other Instagrammers.
What do you think? There are some talented stylists out there! Good Luck everyone!
Hayley x
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